Personal Spaces And How They Speak

Have fun and be sure to include #studiospaces

Recently my daughter and I started taking part in the Photo A Day challenge on Instagram started by one of my favorite bloggers – Fat Mum Slim. She provides a calendar for the month and gives prompts for each day’s photo.  The prompt for March 4th was “bedside”.  When I looked at the photo I took of my bedside table, I thought it was so interesting – I see this table every morning and every night, but it looked completely different to my eye when I saw it in a photo. It “spoke” volumes of my life, and in such a small and contained little space! Jewelry everywhere (I am a jewelry maker), a couple of children’s books (I am a mother), lots of books and magazines (I like to read in bed), reading glasses (I’m in my 40’s), a little jar of Advil PM (for when I drink coffee too late in the day)….and all the little bits and pieces of life in general. I have noticed the same phenomenon when I see photos of my studio in publications or when I am editing project photos for articles and have to crop out all the surrounding “noise = stuff” in the photo.  Because I live with it, I don’t notice it – but when I see it in a photo, all the little details become interesting to me.

With that in mind, I thought it would be fun to start an Instagram hashtag group!  It is called Studio Spaces and by no means do you have to be an artist to participate!  “Studio” can mean any place you work, make, or create. I have added pictures of my desk and my studio because both of those spaces are personal “Studio” spaces for me.

– all you need to do is share the photo on Instagram and be sure to put the hashtag #studiospaces so everyone can see your picture!  I have gotten the group started with some of my own pics and you can see all the photos in the group here, or by clicking on the photo above!

Also, a tutorial of mine, Wire Jewelry Tip of the Year: Make Perfect Ear Wire Sets in Minutes appeared on Jewelry Making Daily on Wednesday and I promised to post a few “tips and tricks photos” that did not make it into the article……here they are!  You can Google the products to find retailers and I have linked the photo captions to where I buy them.  Enjoy!

Click on the photos to make them larger!

2 thoughts on “Personal Spaces And How They Speak

  1. Thanks for creating the studio spaces page and for sharing the extra photos from the JMD article, Ellie! I hated that I didn’t have room for them because they were so great.

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